WALT: add fractions with different denominators.


Success Criteria:

  1. First, you need to convert one of the fractions into a fraction with the same denominator as the other fraction.


e.g.  2/9 + 1/3 = ?


  1. Now add them together by adding the top numbers (numerators). The denominators stay the same.

2/9 + 3/9

= 5/9 

  1. Lastly, simplify the fraction if you need to, or convert the improper fraction into a mixed numeral.

In this example we don’t need to simplify.

Here is my example: 2/4 + 3/8 = ?

Have you done fractions this year?


Ka Kite,




2 thoughts on “Adding Fractions

  1. Hi Laim!
    Charlotte here to say good job with your fractions.Beause I don’t know them yet. Question are fractions hard?
    It looks a bit hard but when i’m a year 6 i’m sure ill learn it.do you like to learn it?

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