Super Electricman

This term we made a superhero that you have never seen; I will be telling you some information about my superhero and how I created it.

  1. What website did I use the website that I used was called Crayion a app that you can just type what you want your superhero to be like then you press draw the it will A.I generate and draw the things that you wrote down.
  2. What was tricky? The tricky part was when I had to find Crayion.
  3. What I am proud of. I am proud of  My picture Of how it was made; what it looked like.

Have you ever made a superhero like that? Well here’s mine.



Adding Fractions

WALT: add fractions with different denominators.


Success Criteria:

  1. First, you need to convert one of the fractions into a fraction with the same denominator as the other fraction.


e.g.  2/9 + 1/3 = ?


  1. Now add them together by adding the top numbers (numerators). The denominators stay the same.

2/9 + 3/9

= 5/9 

  1. Lastly, simplify the fraction if you need to, or convert the improper fraction into a mixed numeral.

In this example we don’t need to simplify.

Here is my example: 2/4 + 3/8 = ?

Have you done fractions this year?


Ka Kite,




Pie Graphs

This term 3 we made pie graphs in maths.  How we made them step 1 first we would say what our favourite sport

was. Step 2 we would have a vote then we would get out our maths book then draw a circle draw a few lines in it then we would get a calculator for what sport we chose and other sport so for netball we would write on the calculator write in the answer then step 3, we would write a key so it would be like blue = basketball red = hockey  pink = netball

The hardest thing about it was drawing the circle because I’m not good at drawing, what I am proud of is my writing

Have you ever made a Pie Graph before?

Fast Flyer

At the start of Term 3 we made a fast flyer plane to travel around the world  but it probably won’t have enough gas. How we made the fast flyer 1 we got a piece of cardboard. After  the set to build the plane, we cut  the parts of the plane set out.                                                

2 After we had cut all the pieces out we drew around the pieces that we had cut out the pieces that we had drawn on   but we doubled them. Then we slowly went over the drawing  we did on the cardboard with a sharpie. Then we coloured it in with the colours that we wanted to put on! Then we had cut out all the pieces then used the hot glue gun to glue it all together. Some even designed missiles for our plane. I designed some missiles but you might not see them in my photo of the plane. The hardest part of building my plane was gluing  the plane together. How could it be that hard for example : I would not like to be burned. Would you like to be burned by the hot glue gun? And what I am proud of is that I got to build it. Have you built a fast flyer before and what would you be proud of the most about it?   


Blizzard Storms

This term we made a weather science slide where we could choose what weather we wanted to research about the weather we would choose. I choose the blizzard storms. I will show you my slide. The hardest thing about it was to find a moving background for one of our slides. I am proud of it because I tried my best and I learnt from my mistakes

Have you made a weather science slide?

Liam’s anzac writing

Kia ora

Last week we made an Anzac piece of  writing, it’s really cool.  I decided to make mine about the start of the war on the boat.   Here’s mine.


We had to focus on using our senses and use speech marks.

 New Zealand Soldiers

“Don’t be scared!” yelled our Sergeant. “You are warriors.  We will defeat Turkey.” 

“Man, I’m so scared, I don’t want to die.”

“Soldier you will not die, you will survive!”

I can smell gunpowder and I can hear gunshots.

“Soldiers, it is my job to keep you alive. We will be okay and survive.”

What did you do for ANZAC Day?







Incredible Sneakers

Kia ora

My name is Liam . I am a student at Koputaroa school near Levin. At the beginning of the year we made an incredible sneaker. My sneaker had my favourite book (Diary of a Wimpy Kid), my favourite movie (Mission Impossible) and favourite colour (Red) etc.

My favourite bit I was proud of was the colouring. The tricky was writing my name carefully.

I hoped you liked my information. What would you put on yours?

Thank you.



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